Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lift Off!

As I headed down 505 from Berkeley, California, toward home (Ashland, Oregon) I was pondering whether to stop in Winters, CA, for scrambled eggs. Then I saw the hot air balloons - two of them getting ready for flight. Definitely a sign. I pulled off, took several photos, and found a homey local breakfast spot. The coffee was good. I took a deep breath. The evening before I'd made a huge decision. I am entering the Certified Focusing Professional training, a program that's a bit of a stretch. I know from experience that stretching is helpful for all kinds of tight places, financial, physical, and intellectual. Fortunately I have my Nia dance classes to make it lively.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

More About BOTH/AND

In last week's post I was gushing about BOTH/AND. I was so energized after the Treasure Maps retreat I came home and started photographing women for a new website, Gorgeous Grey Hair. I offered to guide several friends in Focusing sessions. I added a coaching client, and I agreed to write an article for a SoulCollage newsletter. Sort of BOTH/AND/AND/AND. As I was beginning to recognize that I might have taken the concept over the top (the tip-off being intermittent waves of panic) I got a great newsletter from Jude Spacks regarding limitation. Here's an excerpt:

"Limitation doesn't always sound like good news. But in the I Ching Book of Changes, the world's oldest advice column, Hexagram 60, Limitation, augers success.

'As a lake exists by containing only a limited amount of the infinite quantity of water, a person is defined by the choices they make based on integrity. Without the structure provided by limits, creative choice would dissolve into boundless, formless mush. But too much limitation makes for the rigid control that provokes resistance and rebellion; so it is necessary to set limits even upon limitation.' (Wilheim/Baynes translation of I Ching Book of Changes)."

(Jude offers some savvy interpretations and a cool oracle for you to try. This newsletter will be up only this month. Sign up immediately at )

Ok, limitation lives. BOTH/AND doesn't mean that you can have 145 items on your ToDo List and over-fill your calendar without agony. My mistake. So what does it mean? I really had to think about this. I've decided BOTH/AND is more like a place, a mysterious and magical land where Creativity Rules. There are lots of ways to get there. I personally like SoulCollage and Focusing, but journaling, art, chanting, praying, daydreaming, running, laughing, dancing all work well. Even a stroll through the park or three conscious breaths can bring you into BOTH/AND territory. It's a trip worth taking.

PS: Many thanks to Rain for sending me a photo for the new website Gorgeous Grey Hair. I'd love more photos from you gorgeous grey (gray), white, salt andpepper sisters. Help me reach 100 photos. sharryt at gmail dot com.