Monday, February 2, 2009

Just In Time

This is a post I should have written last week! I want you to know about a fun/inspiring/enlightening opportunity from Heidi Fischbach.

Heidi offers a program called A Month of Living Curiously. I joined up for January and feel I've made a real shift in my life. I became curious about how I feel compelled to read while I eat. But it certainly doesn't have to be about eating. My friend, C. got curious about (oops, that's confidential).

A Month of Living Curiously begins on the first of the month, but you can still join for February if you hurry over to Heidi's place. I'll let her tell you more about it. Here is the link: Or start in March. It's never to late to "get curious for a change."

During the month I alternated between delight in what Heidi was offering and a bit of envy. The good news about that is that I realized she was doing something I longed to do: produce something NEW, something PERSONAL, and something that HELPS TRANSFORM (or soften) those tight spots in our psyches. I'm inviting myself to get curious about how I might manifest that as part of my work in the world. My new website and newsletter is a start. Please visit at
