Sunday, December 16, 2007


I felt uplifted reading Al Gore's Nobel Prize acceptance speech this week. As my friend, Nancy, said, "He has moral courage and integrity."

Gore ended his speech with these inspiring words: We have everything we need to get started, save perhaps political will, but political will is a renewable resource. So let us renew it, and say together: We have a purpose. We are many. For this purpose we will rise, and we will act." Full speech here.

Two other blessings hit the news this week:
1) The United States will cooperate more fully with the world community to deal with climate changes.
2) The United States Senate passes an energy bill with some teeth still in it.

And that's not all! I'm getting ready for a visit from my daughter, Sally, and grandchildren, Eli and Evelyn. It is the first time they have been to Oregon for Christmas.

Plus, just this morning, I found a most delightful series of online posts by Maira Kalman The Principles of Uncertainty (also available as a book). A little extra reading gift for myself. And for you, Dear Reader.

So let's celebrate! Ashland is so beautifully lit for the Holy Days. Photo of the Plaza by Sam. And here is a song by the Threshold Choir. It's called Listen. (Click twice.) Relax for 2+ minutes.

This song is from the album Listening at the Threshold .


Anonymous said...

I found my way to your blog, via Ronni's. I liked your comment today and added one myself on the infamous "Nora" in addition to the other one I left.
I like your blog a lot and will be browsing around. Great photo and the was just beautiful! I'll have to check out that CD. Really loved it!
I believe you sent me a request over at Elderwoman and I need to get to that. So much to do and never enough hours.
How great that your grandchildren are coming for Christmas! That's what it's all about, so enjoy!

lilalia said...

Maira Kalman series "The Principles of Uncertainty" was one of the main reasons I agreed to pay the NYT a sum of money for the Time Select program. Her work is so inspiring. They stopped the Time Select program, but they haven't got Maira Kalman back. Is there a connection?

All the best for you and your family in this holiday season!